Robot size and weight

I am surprised that there is not more discussion about the changes in this years robot rules.

Does the changes in robot size, hurt or help you?

120lbs without the battery, good or bad?

we get more weight, thats good!

and the size changed so that all the robots can fit in the end zones, i think.

We’ll see if oit really helps everyone though. I think it will be good.

The size is an issue if you are considering bringing your robots back to home at the end of the match for the ten points. It might be a tight squeeze.

Good: That sould alow for use of stronger materials on robot and more overall weight also means it wil be harder to get pushed around.

Down to 28 inches on one direction of the base is probably really going to hurt us.

Did anyone happen to notice that the height of a tetra is 28" and that the free one they give you at the beginning of the match must fit within the sizing box also?

That’s not quite correct. Your robot, in its entirety and including all elements holding the tetra, must be within the sizing box.

Rule <G04> states:
The TETRA must be completely SUPPORTED by the ROBOT, not in contact with either the floor or any field element, and the ROBOT – including any MECHANISMS designed to hold the TETRA – must still satisfy the volume starting constraints specified in <G01>.


I think it’s strange that they increased the size/weight limits of the robot from last year even though this year’s game has considerably fewer tasks to perform. If anything this year’s robots could be smaller and lighter than before since we don’t need heaps of devices like with FIRST Frenzy. Is there anyone else of the same mindset?

I think the reason they didnt lower the weight is because they seem to expect (and even encourage?) a lot of contact between robots this year, and they want to allow teams to beef up their bot. I really like the fact that the battery is not included, because last year our team had to borrow another teams battery in order to make weight, because theirs was almost a pound lighter. Variance in the weight of batteries is why they changed it I think.