RobotBuilder Not Opening Through Eclipse

Our team just downloaded all of the needed components for using Java through Eclipse for the RoboRIO (eclipse, update Java8, WPIlib plugins, UpdateSuite). RobotBuilder opens independently, but not through Eclipse. When it’s open independently, we can’t open the project in Eclipse. :confused: Any suggestions?

I’m at work and don’t have my laptop here for specifics, but here is what I did.

  1. Open eclipse for the first time and create a worspace. You can use the default or enter your own path. Either way, make note of the path.

  2. Open Robotbuilder by double clicking on the jar file.

  3. Create a new robot in RB. On the main page put the workspace path into the Eclipse Workspace field.

  4. Save and export in RB.

  5. Go back to Eclipse. Click on File, Import. In the Import dialog, click the triangle next to General. Then click Existing Projects…

  6. After exporting the robot there will now be a folder under the workspace path matching the robot name, select that.

You should now have the robot project in the project explorer.

Check this link for how to have Eclipse automatically refresh code files after they have been modified by RB. You still may have to manually refresh the Eclipse project after adding new source code files from RB. If you add or rename subsystems, commands, etc and you don’t see it in Eclipse after exporting from RB, right click the project name and select refresh.

Do any of the other items in the wpilib menu start? We have one computer that won’t start any of them, but they all run manually and RobotBuilder is able to create eclipse projects and we are able to import them into eclipse. Launching from eclipse works on the other computer’s we’ve tried.

Make sure you’re starting the 2015 version manually, rather then the 2014 version. The 2015 version location is documented here: For the 2020 season software documentation has been moved to Documentation for KOP items can still be found here. | FRC KOP Documentation

FYI, that link is actually to the 2014 instructions. It won’t cause a problem if you’re only on that page, but if you move around you’ll get old instructions. Here is the 2015 link: For the 2020 season software documentation has been moved to Documentation for KOP items can still be found here. | FRC KOP Documentation

Thanks! I tried your suggestions and it works. None of the launchable items from wpilib launch from eclipse, but importing into eclipse works and it updates automatically once you import, and i can still run the wpilib stuff through the jar files. Thanks for the help!:smiley:

I had the same problem where robot builder and the other tools were not launching from Eclipse.
from a cmd prompt: java - version, returned a mismatch. Where, I had version 8, but the registry was expecting version 7.
To solve, I uninstalled all versions of Java, restarted, then reinstalled the latest version of java.

Workspace not worspace:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: