Advisors for Team 987 have been asked to write a new Robotics curriculum for our district and we are charged with finding a text to support the program. Does anyone know of any decent texts for an introductory level course?
You should take a look at the new Autodesk Curriculum that just came out. It’s everything you need, and it’s broken down enough to fit into most any lesson planning cycle.
What are the goals of your program?
Programming, general development, construction techniques…
All of the above…all aspects of design, construction, control and the course will be primarily project based using VEX bots. We currently teach robotics in a course labeled Principles of Technology and Applied Physics but the district isn’t happy with our adaption since the course doesn’t have “Robotics” in its title…we have produced a soft cover, unit based document that works great but our district thinks adoption of an actual text lends credibility to any course…oh well…
To the best of my knowledge, there isn’t one at the high school level. Better start writing one…
For a remote controlled robot book, I liked pieces of Grant I.‘s "Kickin’ Bot". Even though it is battle bots related, he has a good mix of properly designing a competitive machine and good examples of common sense principles (a 3/16 plate weighs 75% of a 1/4 plate, and is much better than drilling 25% of the surface away).
In my class students were able to build five VEX tumblers in just three days to build interest. Now they are diving into the unit learning to prepare them for a game challenge. It’s not the standard textbook, but look it over - there is a lot you can use n flexible ways in these 17 units.
Thanks for the input, Rich. We have the vex CD and have been using some of the content/ideas but our district is looking for an actual text (though we can teach the curriculum without one…)
You may want to have your school look into Robotics Engineering Curriculum. Here are the topics covered. The cirriculum maps directly to STEM requirements.
Semester One
Introduction to Robotics
Introduction to Vex Programming
Physics and Robotics
Arms and End Effectors
First Semester Project
Semester Two
Introduction to Electronics
Mechanical Properties
Advanced C Programming (Including PID Control)
Industrial Robotic Arms
Advanced Mechanics
Second Semester Project
So In other words the school will feel better if there is a book? <Insert cynical laughter here.> Sorry for the digression, I’ve been a part of the school system too long :).
I don’t think there is a robotics text anywhere on the planet for the secondary level … that really is how advanced and cutting-edge you are. I’m sure you can find general technology texts that may include a blurb or single chapter on robotics, but that’s about it.
Perhaps you can print out all of the pages of the curriculum and put them in a binder??? … whoops, sorry…more cynical behavior.
not true.
Carnegie Mellon has a curriculum for middle and high schools using the VEX kits.
I kind of thought there was a text, but assumed it was by WPI for their robotics major. Now I know better.