
Email I received.

Dear Colleagues,

The 20th Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics and Robot Showcase, FCRAR 2007, will be held in Tampa, on May 31 - June1, 2007.

Please send your paper(s) and project titles(s) as attchments to [email protected] by April 9th :

Technical Papers:

  • Full draft of the paper 6-8 pages in length.

Robotics Showcase Projects:

  • Project title (please indicate that it is a project, not a paper)
  • Author names, affiliations and e-mail addresses
  • Contact name and e-mail

Note that robotics projects can be either in the form of a (1) robot prototype, (2) video, or (3) poster board.

Critical dates:
Submission of full paper drafts for review and robot showcase project titles: April 9, 2007
Announcement of review results: April 30, 2007
Final submission of revised papers and robot showcase projects: May 14, 2007
FCRAR and Robot Showcase @ Tampa: May 31 - June 1, 2007

Conference site:

Best regards,

Bessam –

Is this open to all teams, or is it an invitational type event?


I do not know. I think you would have to go to the web site and read the rules.

Sounds cool. I would love to go to Tampa to show off the bot and see what is going down in the robo-world.
