RobotPy 2018 release

Sorry for the delay on this, but here’s the initial RobotPy 2018 release! Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a lot of testing on real hardware this year, but the test coverage has been significantly updated (which is a Good Thing). Try it out and let us know how it goes for you.

Please note that the CTRE bindings for 2018 are not available yet. Still hoping to get them done today.

Latest release now uploaded to

2018.0.1 is released earlier today with some fixes, all users are recommended to upgrade.

Still working on CTRE support, should have something soon.

2018.0.4 was also released, so make sure to get that too. :slight_smile:

If you’re interested in CTRE support, please take a look at for hardware-only support … I don’t have access to real hardware until next week, so I need some advanced users to test it out for me. Thanks!

Sorry that I haven’t been announcing releases here, but we’ve been pushing all sorts of updates out! Be sure to update to get the latest fixes.

Welcome to the last weekend of build season! RobotPy has pushed out several component releases this week (wpilib, utilities, pyfrc simulation, ctre), so be sure to use the RobotPy installer to download and install them on your robot this weekend.

If you run into any bugs, as always, drop us a line here, as a github issue, or on gitter!

pyfrc 2018.2.1 has been released, with some important fixes + features now available:

Here’s a screenshot demo of the improved field image + user-controlled drawing… it’s pretty useful:

robotpy-ctre 2018.3.0 has been released. This fixes some performance issues, and updates to the latest CTRE Phoenix framework.