Not much has changed yet, but if you want to try it out then pip install robotpy==2025.0.0b1
is how you install it.
Edit: if you’re going to use the beta, I would recommend starting in a new virtualenv instead of upgrading an existing python environment that has robotpy components in it. If you are going to reuse an existing python environment, then you should uninstall all robotpy packages first before upgrading.
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Looks like robotpy-ctre and robotpy-navx haven’t been upgraded?
ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take into account all the packages that are installed. This behaviour is the source of the following dependency conflicts.
robotpy-ctre 2024.1.3 requires wpilib<2025.0.0,>=2024.3.2, but you have wpilib 2025.0.0b1 which is incompatible.
robotpy-navx 2024.1.1 requires robotpy-wpimath<2025.0.0,>=2024.3.2, but you have robotpy-wpimath 2025.0.0b1 which is incompatible.
robotpy-navx 2024.1.1 requires robotpy-wpiutil<2025.0.0,>=2024.3.2, but you have robotpy-wpiutil 2025.0.0b1 which is incompatible.
robotpy-navx 2024.1.1 requires wpilib<2025.0.0,>=2024.3.2, but you have wpilib 2025.0.0b1 which is incompatible.
Successfully installed pyfrc-2025.0.0b1 pyntcore-2025.0.0b1 robotpy-2025.0.0b1 robotpy-hal-2025.0.0b1 robotpy-halsim-gui-2025.0.0b1 robotpy-installer-2025.0.0b1 robotpy-wpilib-utilities-2025.0.0b1 robotpy-wpimath-2025.0.0b1 robotpy-wpinet-2025.0.0b1 robotpy-wpiutil-2025.0.0b1 wpilib-2025.0.0b1
robotpy-ctre hasn’t been upgraded yet, there are some issues that came up during the upgrade. phoenix6 has a 25.0.0b1 package available however.
robotpy-navx has been upgraded – but pip install robotpy
will only update robotpy, not other components. You would need to install robotpy-navx==2025.0.0b1
other vendors have not been upgraded yet, but I don’t think they’re available yet.
thanks. after upgrading robotpy-navx my simulation worked with older version of phoenix 6.
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Whenever Updates for 2025 by virtuald · Pull Request #184 · robotpy/robotpy-ctre · GitHub is merged, then robotpy-ctre beta will also be available. There’s a phoenix6 bug, so have to wait for an updated phoenix6 python beta.
@virtuald … any “easy” strategy available that you know of to mix/match 2025 b1 robotpy / navx / etc. with 2024 rev / photonlibpy / etc. packages … or is it really just a sit back and wait scenario to start working with 2025 beta until all vendors are upgraded (even if just a version check issue vs. an actual code conflict)?
Our team’s platform is rev + navx + photolibpy + pathplannerlib
It’s sit back and wait. The native parts of the vendor code will not work with the 2025 image, and theres no way around that.
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My team has opted to switch from Java to Python for this coming season. There are several reason, but the biggest is that the Computer Science and Engineering accademies would rather teach Python than Java. We want to integrate our programs, so it just makes sense!
Since we are trying to learn the basics with Robotpy during the offseason and have several examples successfully running on 2024.3.2.1, would there be any advantage to updating everything to 2025.0.0.b1?
Currently we are only using commands2, Rev, and Phoenix6. We will be adding Pathplanner, apriltags, and photonvision once we get a working example of Rev’s MaxSwerve.
The primary change is that we are using Python 3.13 on the rio. I wouldn’t recommend upgrading at this time until the vendors are upgraded.
If you haven’t seen it, we did port the MaxSwerve example at robotpy-rev/examples/maxswerve at main · robotpy/robotpy-rev · GitHub. If it’s broken would love someone to fix it.
That is the example we are using. I may be able to post our results this evening.
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I’ll see what I can do about fixing it, but first I need to find where the offending code is.
OK, we found the issues and got it working.
Question: Team 1895 is not ready to move to Robotpy 2025. Is there a way to configure the pyproject.toml to not allow an upgrade to 2025? We would like to stay on 2024 at this time.
Someone else just reported that, I’ll take a look this evening.
If you pip install robotpy-installer==2024.2.3
it will no longer prompt you to upgrade RobotPy to the next season’s release.
Thank you. I’ll give it a try this weekend.