I am starting work on this. Given the amount of time taken last year to upgrade RobotPy to 2022 WPILib, I expect this will be doable. With that in mind, if you’re looking to participate in the 2023 beta as a python team, I highly recommend filling out the beta application!
Of course, would love others to help too – looking for ways to contribute? We’d love some help with adding more WPILib examples, or visit robotpy/robotpy-wpilib - Gitter and let’s chat.
Just a small update: with the exception of the ntcore NT4 upgrades (which haven’t been merged to master yet) and commands-v2, all of the core WPILib libraries have been upgraded at this point (but have not been published anywhere, and won’t be until beta releases).
There are a pile of 2023-beta branches in various RobotPy repositories. Still haven’t migrated commands because they changed again.
Currently, I was planning on doing this year’s build with Python 3.11 (reportedly huge speed improvements!), but I’m blocked on https://github.com/benfogle/crossenv/issues/103 . I looked at it tonight but I’m not 100% sure what’s going on. If there’s any chance of a beta happening this week, either this has to be fixed by someone or we have to move back to Python 3.10 (which would be unfortunate). Open to help and/or opinions.
Initial beta based on WPILib Beta 3 is now available. If you want to play, pip install --pre robotpy is your ticket (but won’t work on a roborio unless you’re a beta team).
Hi Dustin, we’re working with the beta, and we’d like to move our python NT clients to NT4, and so we’re looking for guidance about when to do that. Seems like “not yet”? What’s your advice?
It should all work, but there are almost certainly bugs that haven’t been found. If nobody uses it until the season, then nobody will find the bugs until the season starts.