RobotPy Install Fails on RoboRIO

When trying to install robotpy, either commands v1 or v2, but also
'robotpy-installer install robotpy[all] ', we get the error:

Error: installing packages: Command '/usr/local/bin/pip3 --no-cache-dir --disable-pip-version-check install --no-index --find-links http://localhost:32833/pip_cache/ --upgrade --upgrade-strategy=eager robotpy[all]' returned non-zero error status 1

Any suggestions?

There’s likely a lot more error messages above that line, what do they say?

Also, did you run robotpy-installer download robotpy[all] first?

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I thought I did a while back, but now I’m getting another set of errors I hadn’t seen before. Here’s a screenshot of everything after I ran robotpy-installer install robotpy[all] as well as after running robopty-installer download robotpy[all]

The download problem is an SSL certificate issue. On OSX, python doesn’t use the OS certificate chain by default, and you need to install SSL certificates separately. See the following link (but adjust for your version of python):

I expect that if you’re able to get your download issue resolved then you’ll be able to install without any issues.

Here’s the output of robotpy-installer download 'robootpy[all]':

You have a typo

Okay yeah that was stupid. I should be golden now lol

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