Wheels available for Windows (unfortunately they don’t have good simulation support yet) and for roborio via the robotpy-installer. Docs still need to be updated. For the roborio:
I wonder if I am doing something wrong with the Navx.
I do have version 2020.2.2 of the Navx libraries installed.
You can see the output I get below. When I change the values manually, it shows up in the driver station. However, they do not change when the robot spins in a circle. Here is our code.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This is a demo program showing how to use Mecanum control with the
import wpilib
from wpilib.drive import MecanumDrive
from networktables import NetworkTables
# Import Rev Hardware for Can
import rev
# Import NavX
import navx
def run():
raise ValueError()
class MyRobot(wpilib.TimedRobot):
# Channels on the roboRIO that the motor controllers are plugged in to
frontLeftChannel = 2
rearLeftChannel = 3
frontRightChannel = 1
rearRightChannel = 0
# The channel on the driver station that the joystick is connected to
joystickChannel = 0
def robotInit(self):
"""Robot initialization function. The Low level is to use the brushless function on the controllers."""
self.sd = NetworkTables.getTable("SmartDashboard")
self.timer = wpilib.Timer()
# Communicate w/navX MXP via the MXP SPI Bus.
# - Alternatively, use the i2c bus.
# See http://navx-mxp.kauailabs.com/guidance/selecting-an-interface/ for details
self.navx = navx.AHRS.create_spi()
# self.navx = navx.AHRS.create_i2c()
if wpilib.RobotBase.isSimulation():
self.frontLeftMotor = wpilib.Jaguar(self.frontLeftChannel)
self.rearLeftMotor = wpilib.Jaguar(self.rearLeftChannel)
self.frontRightMotor = wpilib.Jaguar(self.frontRightChannel)
self.rearRightMotor = wpilib.Jaguar(self.rearRightChannel)
self.frontLeftMotor = rev.CANSparkMax(
self.frontLeftChannel, rev.CANSparkMaxLowLevel.MotorType.kBrushless
self.rearLeftMotor = rev.CANSparkMax(
self.rearLeftChannel, rev.CANSparkMaxLowLevel.MotorType.kBrushless
self.frontRightMotor = rev.CANSparkMax(
self.frontRightChannel, rev.CANSparkMaxLowLevel.MotorType.kBrushless
self.rearRightMotor = rev.CANSparkMax(
self.rearRightChannel, rev.CANSparkMaxLowLevel.MotorType.kBrushless
# invert the left side motors
# you may need to change or remove this to match your robot
self.drive = MecanumDrive(
self.stick = wpilib.XboxController(self.joystickChannel)
def robotPeriodic(self):
self.logger.info("Entered disabled mode")
if self.timer.hasPeriodPassed(0.5):
self.sd.putNumber("Displacement X", self.navx.getDisplacementX())
self.sd.putNumber("Displacement Y", self.navx.getDisplacementY())
self.sd.putBoolean("IsCalibrating", self.navx.isCalibrating())
self.sd.putBoolean("IsConnected", self.navx.isConnected())
self.sd.putNumber("Angle", self.navx.getAngle())
self.sd.putNumber("Pitch", self.navx.getPitch())
self.sd.putNumber("Yaw", self.navx.getYaw())
self.sd.putNumber("Roll", self.navx.getRoll())
def autonomousInit(self):
"""Runs Once during auto"""
# self.counter = 0
def autonomousPeriodic(self):
"""Runs Periodically during auto"""
self.sd.putNumber("Timestamp", self.navx.getLastSensorTimestamp())
self.drive.driveCartesian(0, 0.5, 0, 0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
That’s correct, there’s no automatic gyro support, you would need to set it manually.
I’ve updated the navx examples in https://github.com/robotpy/examples/pull/33, but they require pyfrc changes to work. I’ll be working on finishing these up this afternoon.