Robotpy test hanging in


We’re seeing

 robotpy test -- --no-header -vvv -s

Hang in: <- .venv\Lib\site-packages\pyfrc\tests\ Not loading CameraServerShared


Entering robot:robotInit
Server started on sprout at in thread {}
[Auto] New Modes Selected: None Wait 0.0s, Do Nothing
Exit robot:robotInit

********** Robot program startup complete **********

Stepping through the python code, it seems like the simulation time is not advancing.

My pyproject.toml:

# Use this configuration file to control what RobotPy packages are installed
# on your RoboRIO


# Version of robotpy this project depends on
robotpy_version = "2025.1.1.1"

# Which extra RobotPy components should be installed
# -> equivalent to `pip install robotpy[extra1, ...]
robotpy_extras = [
    # "all"
    # "commands2"
    # "navx"
    # "pathplannerlib"
    # "phoenix5",
    # "playingwithfusion"
    # "romi"
    # "sim"

# Other pip packages to install
requires = [

The source code is here:

-Thanks for your help!!!

Spires FRC 9106

There’s a bug in REV’s code that causes this: [BUG]: Tests (`stepTiming()`) hang when 1 Spark Max is instantiated · Issue #72 · robotpy/robotpy-rev · GitHub


Appears the rev bug is still unresolved as this is persisting in robotpy 2025.2.1.0

We are also still seeing the rev bug in 2025.2.1.0

Since it’s a rev bug, you should be looking for updates to robotpy-rev

robotpy-rev 2025.0.1 has a fix for this.

… but you can’t install that yet because rev has a bug in their release. Maybe tomorrow, sorry.