Episode Description -
In this episode, I discuss on how to create a 501.c3 Non-Profit Organization for your robotics team with Cheryl form the Twisted Angels. Cheryl and her robotics squad just completed this a couple years ago and has helped the Twisted Teams write grants and help get the funds they need each season. The links we reference in this episode are displayed for you below and for your use!
Interview Panel:
Cheryl Thornton - Head Coach for Team 4422
Once you get over the hump of being a rookie team, having a semi-stable meeting location, and a set of basic tools. I would say getting a 501c3 is the very next thing you should do. Having full control of your purchasing process is more amazing and meaningful to a team than having that really baller CNC machine, or slow motion camera set up, or a warehouse full of every belt and pulley size on hand, or whatever else your build group thinks is important.
what good is money if you cant spend it
501c3 is the way to go! Best thing we ever did.
It helps to cut the red tape of school systems that are compliant based set up to make Robotics teams fail!
I had no clue on how to start one, but ended up successfully creating one in 2016-17.
Lots of examples and info on the Internet. We have to file locally with our Attorney General’s office charity division, in addition to doing our annual taxes, payroll, issue 1099’s etc. I have a CPA firm that we contract to do some of this.