Rookie grant delay

We know that a delay on the announcement for frc and NASA rookie grants is common. Wondering if the announcement normally in the past has come out before money was due for the season?

In 2014, the last time I was on a rookie team, the NASA announcement was on a Monday night with a Friday deadline. The Argosy-led rookie grants came that Tuesday.

I don’t remember the announcement being after the payment deadline, but FIRST is obviously aware of what their two biggest grant sources are doing and I doubt they’re going to drop registrations for teams holding out for these grants that fast. :slight_smile:

From Bill’s Blog yesterday…

“Remember that the registration payment deadline for your first event (first two events if you are a District team) is this Monday, November 20th. We recognize not all grant information has yet been released, and this doesn’t give teams much time to make arrangements. Of course, we will continue to work with teams after the deadline as necessary to get their registration secured, but please work toward that Monday deadline!”