Rookie Shooter Prototype: Any Thoughts?

Hey CD, this is our first post so please bear with us.

We are a rookie team out of Davie, Florida and are extremely excited for this season. We have a lot of experience with FTC robotics, and worked with a local FRC team for the past two seasons. Now with members experienced in FRC, we have taken the initiative to begin our own team at Western high school in order to include more of our students.

Please check out our first YouTube video of our prototype shooter!

Any advice we can get from the CD community would be a great help!

Thanks in advance,
FRC Team 5872, Western WiredCats

Make sure you are testing your shooter at the heigh you expect to mount it at.

Other than that it is an impressive prototype so far.

Reminds me of Team 48 in 2012. Man that bot could shoot for days.

Looks like a great prototype.

Make sure that you guys do testing with either 40 amp fuses in place or driven by a motor controller. It looks like you have been directly connecting to the Battery, which does not show accurate performance as your current draw could be much higher than actually allowed.