Rookie Team 4209 TigerBytes 2012 Teaser #1


I love the battery names! :smiley:

Made me think of 118’s 2009 reveal video. :slight_smile:
Looks like a two wheeled shooter and turret assembly.

That’s exactly it!! And thanks for reminding me of 118’s 2009 video. Maybe our reveal video this year will be something similar :wink:


…also, I’d suggest having more than four batteries. I’m rarely comfortable with less than eight…

Are you guys aware of Tigerbytes #1775?

I had no idea that our name was already taken. Due to LSU’s support and the fact that they work very closely with University High, we decided to put a spin on a very common LSU Tiger chant - “Tiger Bait”.

Happens all the time. (There have been many SWATs, for example.)