Rookie team in need of help????

we’re a rookie team and need help with programming. We have no idea what are pwm’s are and how do you set it equal to those numbers and what does numbers are??
Also how do you program the joysticks??

Locate Grey bin for Kit of Parts find easyC CD. Insert in CDROM drive. Follow prompts and open help file “Getting Started”

Ok first of all, welcome to Chiefdelphi.
Secondly if you are truly just starting off, you might want to look into easyC, a program that came in the kit that is very helpful and less dangerous/complicated than typing each line yourself. However I don’t know what you guys know about programming and what background you have. So if you do want to go the route of easyC i do believe that you can find some help in this board

And if you want to go with the typed coding then look here I know that this thread is rather large so start off looking at FIRST’s power point they released years ago to help people get a basic understanding of everything. This is also an extremely useful PDF that could help you

However you want to go it is very hard to do this without any help from someone who knows about this setup that FIRST provides us with. Almost any FIRST team in your area would probably be more than willing to help you in person, face to face, which contrary to most people’s beliefs is still the most effective way to quickly communicate ideas.

Another thing that you can do if you want your robot to work at a very basic level that just works, there is default code already loaded on the controller that you can just plug things in and they work.