We are running our camera and network interface (D-link) with a splice to 5vDC output on Power D-block, it has worked nicely, but a question on Amps came up. Since the Camera is rated 5vdc at 1.5 amps (max) and the D-link is rated at 2 amps (max) not to forget the Power D-block is rated at 5vdc 3amps out. Is it safe to use this as our circuit with the understanding that the D-link will never max out at 2amps while only using a wireless connection to netbook for control and wired patch cable to Crio. Does anyone know if the system will get a spike in power requirement at the competition with connection to the field control system or if the camera has other functions that would require us to obviously use the 24vdc to 5vdc filter (regulator) that was provided in the kit.
You need to start by re-wiring your robot so that it is in accordance with the approved power distribution wiring diagram provided by FIRST.
Use the voltage converter to power the D-Link DAP. It’s in the rules, and it’s for your own good. Without it you’ll be losing communication if the battery voltage drops too low.