Rookie team needs serious help

Hi I made an account here after having serious troubles with coding for our robot, as this is our first year. We have successful communications with the robot, it recognizes the code, and the controller

I made this account after having some trouble coding our robot. (these r the positives), however (negs). We would appreciate some advice on how to improve the effectiveness of our robot.

One thing I think could be the issue is that we are using victor spx motor controllers, yet the code uses victor sp. Is there a difference, and if so how do I import victor spx?

I am not a programmer and do not think I can help with this part but I do build and electrical if you have any questions about that feel free to message me

how are you connecting to the spx? the spx can do pwm or can. if you are doing can, do you have the IDs setup?

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The victor sp is a very different motor controller from the victor spx. To use the victor spx, make sure you have the phoenix vendor library installed, and use that library for creating the motor controllers instead of WPILib’s built-in motor controllers.

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Hi thank you for responding to me. I am now aware of the victor spx motor controller imports, and I see that I need to import it from Phoenix, however, I do not know how to see phoenix as an offline import. If you know how I can get that to appear, I would be so happy. Thank you very much.

You can download the CTRE library and install it (this includes Phoenix Tuner) here: Software

You can then use “Manage Vendor Libraries” in VSCode to install the CTRE library offline.

This is likely to confuse them as they’ve got the LabVIEW code.

Though, DATBOI, there are examples on the CTRE page you can use to see how to use the VIs.

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Hi thank you for responding to my post. I now am receiving an error message after running diagnostics using phoenix tuner, and the code works. The message on the drivers station says

" * CTR: Firm Vers could not be retrieved. Use Phoenix Tuner to check ID and firmware(CRF) version."

Do you have any thoughts as to how to resolve this?

Maybe this will help i know its a talon but both talons and victor spx uses can bus so could be a naming issue or wiring issue

I might have missed someone else saying this, but the standalone Phoenix Tuner can be used to set the CAN ID and update the firmware for motor controllers that are wired using the CAN bus (yellow and green wires).

For new motor controllers setting the CAN IDs needs to be done one motor at a time - because they all start with the same CAN ID, which needs to be changed. Power off all but one motor controller. Continue this until done.

After all the CAN Ids are set, the firmware can be udpated all at once.

Sometimes we get the “can’t read firmware version” message when 1) We forgot to put the breaker back in for a particular motor, 2) The CAN bus wiring for this motor controller isn’t correct, 3) The CAN ID we used in the program doesn’t match the CAN ID we programmed into the motor controller. 4) We are using the open routine for a different type of motor controller.

Not sure if the answers here match your question, but happy robotting…

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