rookie teams at nationals?

Team 2430 is going to be attending. We say good luck to all rookie teams that are going to championships.

at our regional, team 2621 won the rookie all star award for their great robot and gracious professionalism, as described in the ceremony. I don’t know if they have posted to this thread yet, but i will be rooting for you guys in Atlanta :slight_smile:

Good luck to all rookie teams

It is great to hear that the rookies this year have successful robots (as was the purpose of this year’s game). I am really happy that you all rose to the challenge and have become true FIRST teams. It is also good news to hear that some can hurdle (btw, 2 hurdles is more than many of the veteran teams :wink: )

Good luck to all and see you there!!

P.S.-If you need help raising funds to go, visit the FIRST team resources pages.

You guys might want to watch out… at SBPLI one of our rookies took it all… 2487 kicked butt all day and took home regional winner… i’m hoping they make it to Atlanta because they are a team to watch!

Congrats 2487 you guys ROCK!!

Nemesis** 2590** is heading down to GA! We’re a rookie team. Our bot makes laps, herds and can knock off trackballs from the track. We banked on our autonomous mode getting three lines on average and an occasional ball of as well.

Team 2556 Will be there as well. We won Rookie All-Star at Bayou Regional. We’ve already begun to procure funds and there’s no way we’ll miss this. :slight_smile:

Our bot can rabbit around, and we’re working on Hybrid.

We might be able to knock off a trackball if they can finish the pnumatics on thursday.

See you guys there. I’ll be the guy in the stands with the camcorder probably. :smiley:

Also, to all the teams who were at the bayou regional, our bot wont be smoking anymore.

We finally learned not to let our programmers mess with our wiring. :slight_smile:

In Israel, the last 2 years, the Highest Seed and the Rookie All Star awards were given to the same team.

I know about regionals where the Rookie All Star winning team won none of the matches.


How is it possible for one team to get rookie awards for two years?

GO ROOKIES!!! :smiley:

I think he means that the same team won both awards at the regional. Not that the same team won them two years.

hehe, 500th post.

How is it possible for one team to get rookie awards for two years?

No, I meant that those 2 awards were given each year to one team.
Not the same team though.

Sorry for not being clear!

How is it possible for one team to get rookie awards for two years?

No, I meant that those 2 awards were given each year to one team.
Not the same team though.

Sorry for not being clear!

From Israel i know that 2630, from Emek Hefer will be there, they have a great robot and they dont only hurdle- they also shoot the ball!
but i am sure that i can count on Leav to read this and give you more information later:)

I guess we can also be considered as rookies… this may not be the first year a team from our school is competing, but none of the team members of this year participated in last year’s season ( the program runs at our school only at the 11th grade…) so all of the team members are rookies.

good luck to all the rookies! :smiley:

Team 2344 will be there in ATL. You guys better watch out!

Go Saunders!

is indeed going : )

There are only two teams from Oregon going : |

But I’m hoping to make a lot more long-distance friends!!
See you there!
I love FIRST…

team 2591 can hurdle and we are getting pretty good at it now
and we will be in atlanta

Chap Robotics (Team 2468)

At regionals we were primarily a speed bot, scoring our most points in autonomous (in fact, we were the only team to get 4 lines and consistently captured 3). We were also able to successfully manipulate the ball around the course when it came our way.

Since then, we’ve revamped our robot to not only reliably make a complete circuit, but also knock down a ball during autonomous. Though we’re not a hurdler, if anyone’s in the market for an initial-scorer, we might be able to hook ya up!

Natalie “Gnat” Craik
Project Manager
Chap Robotics
**Team 2468…Appreciate! **(feel free to smile, we all do!)
Westlake High School
Austin, TX

[email protected]

Team 2354 will be in attendance.
Assuming everything goes well we will be able to hurdle by shooting. Other than that, we are mainly a herder with a quick and effective arm mechanism.

team 2487(winners of the long island regionals) will be going