Roomba Match

I heard a bridge was having balancing issues and the culprit was a Roomba stuck under it and it became dislodged during the match. Can someone post a link to the match video?

The match was Curie QF 1-1.

This was Curie Quarter Final 1-1. With approximately 11 Seconds left on the clock, the Red Alliance of 341, 254 and 78 were setting up to triple balance when the fog horn was sounded and the match was stopped. Once the robots were removed from the bridge, one of the field volunteers retrieved the roomba from under the bridge.

Interestingly enough, had the roomba remained under the bridge it wouldn’t have had any effect on the match.

Yea, the roomba was under Daisy’s bridge, IIRC even if the other team double balanced 254/341/78 would have still won the match without needing a robot on the bridge. Also interesting was that in the replay match the score was much much closer and Daisy et al had to balance to win.

Aww, the roomba wanted to make friends with the big robots so it stowed away! Silly roomba, FIRST is for kids (and mentors)

My question is how they didn’t notice that the roomba was missing, and why under the bridge wasn’t the first place they looked.

I think we would have successfully completed the triple balance even with the Roomba under the bridge (the three-robot train had already started on their way up), but I understand why the match was stopped.

They put out 1-3 of them at any given time, when you’re doing pickup it may not have been the same person who picked them all up. I can see how this would have been overlooked and since it didn’t affect the eventual outcome it was more of a “chuckle about this” occurance.

Jared, I’m fairly sure the Triple would’ve went just as well as if the roomba hadn’t been there. The only time I saw an issue with the bridge was when 78 went to climb onto it. It clearly stopped going down at 2-3" from the floor, but 78 still managed to get onto it - but it wasn’t as pretty as it should’ve been.

You can see one of the refs pull the Roomba from under the bridge at the end of the video.

They stopped the match because of a Roomba. It was just water under the bridge. :smiley:

He probably just wanted to belong… :stuck_out_tongue:

Curie had 4 Roombas available. Two volunteers put out 4 Roombas during lunch. Another (different) volunteer picked up the Roombas after lunch. Not knowing 4 were initially deployed, he retrieved the 3 that he saw. The 4th had climbed up the ball deflector under the red alliance bridge to the point that no one could see it (without leaning under the bridge). When 78 came off the bridge into the red lane, the rogue Roomba was dislodged and slid down the ball deflector, keeping the bridge from tipping all the way to the red scoring side.

It could’ve been one of the younger Roombas … didn’t know any better, or was missing its mentor. Just wanted to go play hide-and-go-seek. Found a good spot for sure.

sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

Match 17 on Newton was played with a flag on the field.

How could everyone miss that? :smiley:

I like how the announcer says “Bad robot! Bad robot!!”.:rolleyes:

I’m not entirely sure - the red bridge was a couple inches off the ground, and the robots were having some trouble getting up it. More pertinently, the red alliance almost certainly would have won that match even if they hadn’t balanced, so they would have had reason to be upset if they had lost the rematch… it was much closer, but ultimately they did win.

Having almost missed picking up a flag once or twice myself, it’s not too hard, especially if the flag isn’t bright or obnoxious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: however, for everyone to miss it…that’s pretty impressive.

On a similar note, every so often, matches get started with one of the field gates open, sometimes with a ramp deployed, sometimes with the protective cover dislodged.

It happened once at SVR this year, and I’ve seen it in the past elsewhere.

They probably thought it was a troll bot :smiley: must be somebody wasn’t reading the team updates.