Rotating Light..problem?

I was just wondering how many teams killed their rotating light? The night before we were supposed to originally ship, our driver ran the robot off the ramp full speed and sent it flying. The bot came crashing down, we totaled our light, but the good thing is nothing else got damaged. It was still able to run and all. But the poor light…FIRST was right, we need to be nice to the little guy. It came all the way from Taiwan.

In the tigerbolt chat I heard from a member of a rookie team that one of their members tried sticking the wires of the light into a wall socket. Luckily they only blew the bulb. Other than that I havent heard much about lights breaking.

We also broke our light, but it was only the reflector :slight_smile:

Our robot fell off the top of the ramp and landed on it’s front, onto concrete, breaking the light in the back :slight_smile:

Everything else in the bot was good, and I think we could survive many more falls like that (until height got to about 4 ft)

Miscommunication between 2 drivers at a media event left our light broken. It was a bad time, everyone got pissed. Wasnt pretty.

Rage’s blue globe cracked at the UTC scrimmage but that is all the damage that I know about.