RSS Feed for Q&A

In an example of Hate-Driven Development*, I got frustrated with the Q&A system last year and built a script last year which scrapes the FIRST Q&A and publishes all answered questions to an RSS feed.

My use case is that I want to be notified of and read all the questions that have been answered. I used to just log into the system every day and subscribe to all of the new questions, but the e-mail updates seemed to stop working partway through last season.

Here it is, in case anyone else finds it useful:

  • A burst of coding productivity inspired by a profound hatred of something

This is awesome! Thanks!

It appears the way the feed updates causes the Slack RSS integration to post the whole feed every time it polls FIRST’s website. The Slack RSS integration doesn’t offer many options (in fact there’s only one), so I’m wondering if there’s something you can do on your end.

Very useful tool, thanks!

Subscribed my Feedly account to the Q&A RSS

Thanks for putting this together

Yeah, had the same issue. Set it up on the team’s general and then as I went to sleep I hear “ding ding ding ding ding ding” and had to get up and disable it.

Thanks! Now to wait for some more questions to get answered…

Thank you!


Sorry to res this topic, but I’ve been having an issue with the RSS. It seems like every morning when I get to work, the feed has been giving me anywhere from 15-200 notifications of new stories, when in reality there’s (obviously).