Rubik's Cubes

All right…Who likes these things? I think my whole entire team has a fascination with them. Most of us know how to solve them. Some of them in under 2 minutes. I’m getting pretty close…
Did anyone see the little keychain cubes team 94 was handing out in Archimedes? Weren’t they great?! Mine broke. =(

I can solve one in under a minute. All i do is peel off the stickers and put them on in the right places. If I try to do it the way the maker of it intended it to be solved, then I would get so frustrated that I would probably hit it with a hammer. :smiley:

Our team had the “Stump Julie” game we played at different comps with a Rubiks cube. I attached a link below.

I love rubix cubes and i can solve them, not in any speed, but i cna still do it. And no i didnt see the rubix cube keychains becuase i was in curie.

I got a rubix cube this christmas…and I don’t think I’ve ever been more frustrated with something! Eventually, I solved it…and after you solve it once, you can do it easily again and again.

yeeeahh…I usually have enough patience to try to figure it out during a family function (seeing as it’s a great way to kill time there)…but eventually I get so aggravated that I just peel off the stickers and cheat. :smiley:

It’s a lot more interesting to take the whole thing apart and put it back together again. Usually you mess up the stickers if you end up peeling them off…

anyone ever just use permanent markers to color new colors on? I never have…but the thought just occured to me that someone else might have

A person on our team can solve the things in under 3 minutes. He used to post actively on these forums (his CD name is “etoleb”), but now he’s at MIT.

I bought him a mini keychain one which only served to slow him down 'cause the entire thing was about the size of his thumb :slight_smile: - he still solved the thing in under 10 mins.

There is no possible way that you can peel off all those stickers, and put them on in the right places in under a minute. Believe me, I’ve tried :slight_smile:

Yay, I’ve solved it 3 times!!1! (I just learned the last step yesterday. Or at least one of the methods for it. It’s confusing)

I think I’m the only girl at my school who can solve it…

solving them is knowing the pattern you have to use to get a piece from one place to another

once you know the patterns, its pretty boring

but if you were able to solve one without using the book that gave you the patterns, hats off to you - not many people can think in 4 dimensions like that (3 dimensional space + a sequence of events = 4)

Lucky you guys, I can’t think in that way.

yea, my sis just went at one over a month… she’d do it in her free time, and now she gets it in 2 minutes routinely. I even timed her at 40 seconds once, its crazy. When she solves it I turn the far right side once, turn it over, turn the far side once, etc, etc, then go to people and say “Watch” and just reverse it. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah my friend lost his soul to a rubix cube durning the whole national competition. When he told me this i started laughing like crazy. He did finally get it back though when the corner broke off it.

The last time I tried to solve one of those rubik cubes it took me almost all day to just get one whole side. It was fun. :ahh:

I love Rubik’s cubes! They are really fun. I always solve it in under 3 minutes, usually under 2, and if I’m lucky under 1! Now I have to get one of those 4x4x4 rubik’s cubes! :wink:

My boyfriend has one of those. And his best friend solved it.

I thought it was time to revive this thread. Many of us appear to be fascinated once again by this 3x3 puzzle. Especially Team 177 and Team 1649. Since the Cube is back, who here can solve it? What is your best time? How many people on your team has caught cube fever? Where is the craziest place you have ever solved the cube?

My top time so far is 2 min 4 sec.

However, my best time on the Multi-Axis Trainer is four minutes. Top this.

Note: The first 8 seconds of the video is black. Give it time. Also, I could not convert the DVD format to one acceptable to Google Video that has sound. Perhaps some one could assist me with this. Thanks.

That was AWESOME!

And I know guys who have a hard time with the Rubix Cube as it is.