rule 3.1.4 and G29 Clarification

hi everyone,
I need a clarification for a part from rule 3.1.4 that says:

A CATCH occurs when a BALL SCORED over the TRUSS by a ROBOT’S ALLIANCE partner is POSSESSED by that ROBOT before contacting the carpet, the ROBOT which SCORED the TRUSS, or HUMAN PLAYER.

I didnt really understand this part and I would love for some help :slight_smile:

the second rule is G29 that says:

An ALLIANCE may not pin an opponent ROBOT for more than five (5) seconds. A ROBOT will be considered pinned until the ROBOTS have separated by at least six (6) ft. The pinning ROBOT(S) must then wait for at least three (3) seconds before attempting to pin the same ROBOT again. Pinning is transitory through other objects.

is this rule applies if the intire ALLIANCE pin a robot or even if 1 ROBOT pins an opponent robot?

This means that a catch is a catch if the robot succefully catches it before the ball hits the floor, the robot that threw the ball over the truss, or a human player. If the ball does one of those three things before the catching robot has possession, the bonus points aren’t scored.

the second rule is G29 that says:

An ALLIANCE may not pin an opponent ROBOT for more than five (5) seconds. A ROBOT will be considered pinned until the ROBOTS have separated by at least six (6) ft. The pinning ROBOT(S) must then wait for at least three (3) seconds before attempting to pin the same ROBOT again. Pinning is transitory through other objects.

is this rule applies if the intire ALLIANCE pin a robot or even if 1 ROBOT pins an opponent robot?

That’s a great question for the Q & A

It means that in order for a catch to occur the following conditions must be met:

  1. The ball must have been just scored by the truss.
  2. The ball must be possessed by a robot other than the one that scored the truss points.
  3. The ball must be possessed by a robot of the same alliance that scored the truss points.
  4. The ball must not have touched the carpet, the robot that scored the truss, or a human player before being possessed by the robot.

This means that you only get one chance per cycle to catch the ball. Truss points are only scored once per cycle, so you can’t toss it a second time in the hope of getting catch points. It also means that a robot cannot catch its own ball, and you can’t get catch points by tossing a ball at your opponent.

the second rule is G29 that says:

An ALLIANCE may not pin an opponent ROBOT for more than five (5) seconds. A ROBOT will be considered pinned until the ROBOTS have separated by at least six (6) ft. The pinning ROBOT(S) must then wait for at least three (3) seconds before attempting to pin the same ROBOT again. Pinning is transitory through other objects.

is this rule applies if the intire ALLIANCE pin a robot or even if 1 ROBOT pins an opponent robot?

Given that it says “the pinning ROBOT(S)” it should be interpreted as meaning that a single robot can pin an opponent.

G29 is also worded such that it is illegal for my alliance partner to pin a robot that I have just pinned.