Rule confusion about extensions beyond frame

While reading through the manual I noticed something. According to rule G413, robots can’t have parts extend 1 ft. (40 cm) beyond the frame perimeter. However on rule R105, it states that robots can’t extend more than 12 inches (30 cm) beyond their frame perimeters. Can someone help me understand this?

Conversion error/typo 12in is 1 foot which is about 30cm

This seems to be a classic case of US-metric conversion gone bad.

12 in = 1 ft. Assume the US/imperial number is correct. That is ~30cm, not ~40cm. I believe the metric conversion in G413 is just wrong.

Edit: sniped


Ah, thanks. It should be fixed with the first team update

Note that the conversion for the maximum height is also incorrect. 4 ft is approximately 122 cm, not 132 as written.

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This isn’t the first time they’ve made conversion errors in the manual. They usually are corrected quite early in the build season.

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Yes, fixed in Team Update 01

G413 Expansion limits. A ROBOT may not expand beyond either of the following limits:

  • A. it’s height, as measured when it’s resting normally on a flat floor, may not exceed 4 ft. (~132122 cm) or
  • B. it may not extend more than 1 ft. (~4030 cm) from its FRAME PERIMETER.

Overexpansion due to damage, provided the expansion isn’t leveraged for strategic benefit, is an exception to this rule.

Violation: FOUL, or TECH FOUL if the over-expansion impedes or enables a scoring action

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