Rule G7B and Answer to Question 58

In the competition manual, rule G7B states that robots must be “fully supported by the floor, SCORING PLATFORM, and/or SCORING PLATFORM ramps on their ALLIANCE’S side of the FIELD”. However, in the answer to question 58 on the Q&A, it is stated that “a ROBOT may attach to a TOTE before the start of the MATCH, provided the TOTE is not moved, in any way, from its position as placed by the FIELD staff.” Does attaching to a tote still violate rule G7B since the robot attachments would technically be supported by the game elements instead of the floor?

That would be a highly scenario-dependent situation, depending on the precise method used by the team in question to attach to the tote.

There was a Q&A about driving on the totes, and the response was that it is ok, but if the totes are damaged …

For “attaching” to the tote, the general meaning is all but lifting the tote. In that instance, the robot is not being supported by the tote. Almost the opposite - tote supported by the robot.

It depends on your attachment device. If your plan was to have some sort of hook that hung on a handle of an RC, I would absolutely say the RC is supporting that part of your robot. You should design whatever mechanism you are planning to be supported only by the floor, platform, or ramp. As the rules are currently written those are the only things your robot can be “fully supported” by.