Rule <R11> clearly states that the Maximum Horizontal Dimensions of Playing Configuration are 60" (213.4 cm). :yikes:
1.) These don’t match. 213.4 cm is 84" give or take.
2.) ^^ that being said, ::rtm:: :in 2007 there was a similar rule that stated Maximum Horizontal Dimensions of Playing Configuration: 80" (213.4 cm). Which actually makes sense.
I’m sure this will come up in Q&A tomorrow. Just wondering if anyone has input or knows something new about this and what the likely outcome is.
Let’s hope that it is the same rule as before: 80" (213.4 cm)
question with the diameter. Could one end of the circle(60" or 80") be a robot bumper and the robot extend 60" or 80" from there or is the frame perimeter the center of the circle?
The way this works is that if you were to draw an appropriately sized circle on the floor, and put the robot in it at full extension, the whole robot has to be inside the plane of the lines. You can back it up until the frame perimeter is up to but not over the lines - it doesn’t have to be in the middle.
ETA: If you have multiple functions that are never ever used at the same time (such as an arm going forward and a minibot delivery system going backward), they don’t have to fit at the same time - just in every configuration that will happen on the field.