Rule <R80>

Hello, my team and I were reading through the manual and we are confused about the meaning of rule <R80> - what are the “operator interfaces” and devices from previous FIRST competitions that are not allowed. I assume that this does not apply to the cRIO, joysticks (I saw a similar post specifically on this), or routers, but what are they referring to?

The IFI Operator Interfaces (KOP through 2008) and last year’s Driver Station.

Thanks for the reply - but are you implying that we can’t use the driver station from last year? I’m confused now. I thought it was saying that we can use it.

The new driver station is the little laptop you received in the kit as opposed to the blue box we all used last year. They’re saying that last year’s is not allowed this year, and that we have to use the laptop.

That is exactly what I’m saying. Did you get the Classmate PC in your KOP? That is your driver station this year.

DRIVER STATION - The collection of the Classmate PC, FirstTouch I/O Module and breadboard provided in the KOP, and a USB hub (either the one provided in the KOP, or a team-supplied USB hub device).

The DRIVER STATION provided in the KOP is the only system permitted to collate driver/operator inputs and communicate them to the ROBOT. Operator Interfaces and devices from previous FIRST competitions shall not be used.
Note the caps denoting a definition.

So, how many joysticks are we allowed to have to control different things?

As many as you can hook to the Classmate PC

Random thought- adding another USB hub… haven’t seen anything against that!

Of course not they even send you a USB hub. Check it on the part list.