Rules Question

Hello, if a robot is Docked/Engaged in auto, can the same robot Dock/Engage during Endgame for points? If robot A scores using the charging station does the alliance get points if robot A also scores using the charging station at the end of the match?
I cannot find anything in the rules about it, I searched for “dock” and “engage” but didn’t find anything.

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It looks like that’s the case.

That said, I would expect an update to clarify that robots must leave and return during teleop to get the teleop points…

Near as I can tell, you should get points for both. Especially if you don’t see any rules that say you don’t (I haven’t seen any either, for what it’s worth).

It would be odd for an FRC game to have this kind of restriction, IMO.

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I actually wouldn’t be surprised if that’s intentionally not distinguished. If you don’t leave, that’s restricting a lot of traversal are for your allies, and severely restricting endgame points. Staying up the entire match really wouldn’t be beneficial unless it was the only thing you could do, and even then, it might be better to leave.

even if you don’t leave. It could make it very difficult for additional robots to get on in the endgame.

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