Rules quiz

To help our team members, especially the newer ones, test their knowledge of the rules we are in the process of creating quizzes based on the game manual. We’ve completed the Game and Arena quizzes, and are working on the Rules quiz now. You can check them out at

Keep in mind these are at a deliberately high level, meant to ensure a basic understanding of main rules of the game. (A really thorough quiz would be as long as the manual!)

If you do take the quizzes, please let us know what you think, and especially let us know if you think we’ve screwed something up. We don’t want to be the source of any misleading or wrong information.

Posted a new quiz, this one on Bumpers, at Like the others, 10 question multiple choice.

So far, about 150 people have taken the quizzes. Based on the limited stats Squidoo provides, it looks like most people that take the Games quiz are scoring 80%, while the scores on the Arena quiz are pretty evenly spread out 70% and 100%.

Calling you on Games questions 8 and 9.

Question 8: <G06>. Nothing about possession.

Question 9: <G63>. One of the two (not saying which) doesn’t count.

That’s why folks are getting 80.

I’m calling you on you calling them.

Question 8: The correct quiz answer is B “B. Each robot must be in contact with one ubertube, and only one robot can be in contact with each ubertube” which matches <G06>.

Question 9: I actually think this one is wrong, but in the other direction.
4 pts auto + 2x(2x2+2+2) = 20 pts.

The ubertube under one of the pieces doubles it to 4 points per <G65> meaning that you have 8 pts before the logo modifier. The logo modifier doubles that 8 to 16 per <G66>.

IIRC, I got “in possession” marked as the right answer on 8, as I chose the contact, contact. Looks like it’s fixed now.

Q9: Ubertube doubled (4 points), 2 points, 2 points, doubled to 16. I forgot about the automode, so that’s 4. But the right (marked) answer was 18, which <G63> says is not right (that’s forgetting the automode and counting the second tube on one peg).

Ah, ok then.

We also now agree that Q9 is wrong and should be 20.

Here’s another quiz:

Its a strictly manual grade yourself deal.

Question 6 of the field:

  1. Each Alliance has two TOWERS, which are used during the End Game. Which of the following best describes the location of the TOWERS
    A. An Alliance’s TOWERS are located on the corners of their own ZONE
    B. An Alliance’s TOWERS are located on the mid-field end of their own LANE
    C. An Alliance’s TOWERS are located on the corners of the opposing Alliance’s ZONE
    D. An Alliance’s TOWERS are located on the mid-field end of the opposing Alliance’s LANE

I said B, but the test said I was wrong. It says clearly in the rules:

2.2.5 The TOWERS
TOWERS are located near the mid-field end of each LANE
and are owned by the ALLIANCE associated with the LANE in
which it is located (i.e. the TOWER intersecting the red LANE
is owned by the red ALLIANCE).

Your towers are intersecting the tape from your alliances lane, ie, the towers are on the opposite side of the field from your alliance wall, where your lanes are.

Am I interpreting this correctly? If not, please call me on it.

Here’s how we came up with 18:

4 - ubertube in autonomous
4 - red triangle over ubertube
2 - white circle
2 - blue square
6 - logo bonus, based on the “assigned value” for the scoring pegs, not the score value based on the ubertube bonus.

It’s that last one that I think we probably disagree on.

You are right, ‘B’ is the correct answer. I checked the quiz config, and it has ‘B’ set as the correct answer, not sure why it marked it wrong.

Thanks for keeping us honest.

Hmm, weird. Thanks!

I was gonna say! I looked over that part especially well because I am part of the field building crew.

I appreciate the clarification. :slight_smile:

Of course, now that I’ve read Team Update #1 I agree with 20 as the answer. I have updated the answers on the quiz to reflect this.

You should update Game question nine because the total score as defined (peg score+auto score) does not include the Logo bonus per G62
Just saying

Cheers for this resouce, I will make sure that we use it!
Thanks again,

Good point, good catch. I’ll update it.


Glad you like it. Hope it helps.

We had some issues with the quiz module on Squidoo and couldn’t update the actual quiz question, so we added a bit of text before the quiz to change the question to be more accurate. Not as elegant, but functional.

Thanks for the feedback.

I think all of the bugs that people were reporting have been worked out, becasue it was fine for me. The quiz was great and really helpful, thank you for making something that I could use to actually test what i know! I got a 100 on all 3 tests! :slight_smile:

I’m glad it worked, and glad that they were helpful. There is one more general robot rule quiz in the works, along with a safety quz. Once build sason is complete we’ll put up a tounament rules quiz to help everyone get geared up for regionals.

wow we just happened to give our rookies a little rules pop quiz today. needless to say most of them did not do their reading! haha but im glad i found this i’ll be sure to give this to them next week after they’ve read (hopefully) a little more. thanks!