Has anyone, besides me, seen this rule (page 11, rule SC11) in Update #3? :ahh:
“If a RED robot is in scoring position on the top platform and the match ends with this robot being touched by the other RED robot that is not in scoring position, neither robot scores 25 points.”
So if you are trying get into scoring position, and you don’t make it, but you end up touching your alliance partner you just cost your team 25 points :mad:
Wayne Doenges
Similar rules apply for the bins. If your touching a bin in your scoring zone, and that bin’s touching another bin and so on, they all become worthless.
i think this year’s rules don’t promote “gracious professionalism” nor are they promoting “clever” strategy. they promote shady, cheap, and underhanded methods of penalizing a team. many of the rules (SC8, SC9, and SC11 in specific) seem to be specifically designed for malicious strategies.
maybe it’s just me but i think they need to be changed a little. no virtual stacks, toss out SC11, and look at a few other rules that can be manipulated in way that can cause big problems for a whole lot of teams.
I disagree that FIRST is attempting to promote malicious strategies or non-gracious professional behavior. That is up to individual teams and how they chose to act, play and interpret the rules.
I do interpret the rule modification in Update 3 as Wayne did and I think it is ridiculous. It would be one thing if your alliance partner was ‘supporting’ your robot to stay on the ramp, but if they are simply touching, it’s going to hurt many teams I think and cause many headaches for the referees.
Plus - given that if the opposing robot is, say, pushing up your front wheels and the rest of you is touching the platform only then you will count as in… even if when the alliance robot isn’t there you would not be fully on the ramp (if you get what I mean).
This is going to make some on-the-field calls like “if you’re going up the ramp, don’t go anywhere near us!!”. It will be a challenge in on the field tactics to make sure you don’t subtract your own points like crazy.
But oh well, the rules are the rules… it all makes the strategy a little more interesting and fun… (whether or not the game is audience friendly anymore…)
I do agree that this years rules/game setup are twisting what FIRST has been getting at for awhile, but you have to take in the fact that they did indeed warn us that this year would NOT be fair, they said it MULTIPLE times at the kickoff:rolleyes: