Rumble on PS5 Controller

Hi! We’ve tried to make our ps5 controller rumble by pressing a button and using .setRumble, but the controller didn’t rumble when we pressed the button.
Heres a sample of our code:

  CommandPS4Controller driver = new CommandPS4Controller(0);
            new RunCommand(
                    () -> {
                      driver.getHID().setRumble(GenericHID.RumbleType.kRightRumble, 1);
                      driver.getHID().setOutput(1, true);
                      System.out.println("pov left");

In addition, we tried rumbling the controller through a xbox controller in the same port, but that as well didn’t work.

Does anyone know how to make a ps5 controller rumble in a different way from those we have mentioned?

Thank you!


There is a CommandPS5Controller class now, try using that instead of CommandPS4Controller: CommandPS5Controller