What would be the easiest way to run a command off a sensors value?
I have a proximity switch that is a digital input, i want to close a solenoid when the proximity switch detect the gear.
Can i program that i my OI just like a joystick button?
gearGobblerClose = new JoystickButton(driverJoystick, 12);
gearGobblerClose.whenPressed(new Teleop_GearGobblerClose_Command());
Sounds like you need a Trigger.
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In OI.java
GearSensorAnalogSwitch gearSwitch = new GearSensorAnalogSwitch();
gearSwitch.whenPressed(new IntakeSetPosition(IntakePosition.GEAR_PRESENT));
Create a class that derives from Button to return the sensor value. The get() method just needs to return true/false from your sensor. For this example, save the following into GearSensorAnalogSwitch.java
package org.usfirst.frc.team3310.buttons;
import org.usfirst.frc.team3310.robot.Robot;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.buttons.Button;
public class GearSensorAnalogSwitch extends Button {
public boolean get() {
return Robot.gearIntake.isGearPresent();
For this example, the GearIntake subsystem has an AnalogInput named gearSensor and the isGearPresent() method return true/false based on the output voltage. If you have a digital sensor use a DigitalInput and return myDigitalSensor.get():
public boolean isGearPresent() {
return gearSensor.getAverageVoltage() > 2.5;
got it to work !!! thank you so much !
I love the name Gear Gobbler.
Nom nom nom.
the whole things have a lot of different name that fortunately cannot be put on here!!! :ahh: :ahh: :ahh: :ahh: :ahh: