Running Multiple Robots with the old Radios

I’m sure this has been asked before, but I couldn’t find anything so I figure I’ll just ask.

Our team has a few older robots (2006 and 2005) that we are using for demonstration and driver training. We have been trying to get them to run simultaneously but have been having problems with the radio signals. They appear to conflict with each other. They run fine individually, but with both on they lose the signal every few seconds.

I’ve tried changing the team numbers, channels, everything I could think of and nothing seems to work.

So basically I’m wondering if it is even possible to run multiple robots (using the old radios) at the same time. Is there something you can do to keep the signals from interrupting each others? :confused:

You said that you were using old radios but you didn’t indicate which rd/oi combinations you were using. New hardware is not compatable with the older radios. You need to check on the IFI website for info.

Ah, but have you succeeded in changing the channel number?

With the more recent OIs (2005, 2006 and 2007 versions) you need to set the leftmost team number switch before the channel select switches will do anything. That means you’ll be using a team number greater than 2048. The document Jack pointed to gives the details.

Older OIs (2004 and earlier) need the “practice” pin on the competition port connected to ground in order to enable the alternate radio channels.

Thanks, I’ll take a look at that

The radios, RCs, and OIs are the originals for their robots (IE, yes the 2006 RC and OI are paired with the 2006 Radios).

Well, I can’t tell for sure, but I do know that the robots (2005 and 2006) do work independently from each other, either of them also can work at the same time as the 2007 robot, however they cannot work with each other (2005 and 2006 both running at the same time).

I was never sure if the channel ever changed seeing as the C# on the OI stayed the same.

I will have to try the leftmost team number switch as I don’t believe they are set that high.

Thanks for the advice! :slight_smile: