Running RobotPy commands globally and locally

I’m looking for confirmation on the root directories to run the following commands and build out the RobotPy environment in a repeatable process for the programmers on the Dev Machine.

The code files, created in VS Code project, will reside in the directory at

Global Command - run from any directory installs into the Python environment
py -3 -m pip install robotpy

Local Command - run from project root directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\FRC_ROBOTPY
py -3 -m robotpy init (Create the and pyproject.toml files)
I get an error and can only run successfuly from the same directory I ran install command. I would like have the files created in the project root directory

Local Command - I assume run from project root directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\FRC_ROBOTPY
py -3 -m robotpy sync

Local Command I assume run from project root directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\FRC_ROBOTPY
py -3 -m robotpy deploy

Any best practices to share or suggestions

That should work – though, you can just create the manually too. What’s the error you’re getting?

Everything else sounds right.

Thanks for the response. I had shut my VM down already last night forgetting to document the error. Running my script this morning I am unable to reproduce it. Both CMD and PS terminals run successfully in the project folder root. I suspect there was a typo somewhere I didn’t catch last night. Sorry for the bother.

Using Command Terminal
CMD loads to C:\Windows\System32>
CD to C:\Users\Admin\Documents\INIT_TEST>
C:\Users\Admin\Documents\INIT_TEST>py -3 -m robotpy init
07:10:07:896 INFO : init : Created empty C:\Users\Admin\Documents\INIT_TEST\
07:10:07:905 INFO : init : Created C:\Users\Admin\Documents\INIT_TEST\pyproject.toml

Using Powershell Terminal
Powershell loads to PS C:\Users\Admin>
CD to PS C:\Users\Admin\Documents\INIT_TEST>
PS C:\Users\Admin\Documents\INIT_TEST> py -3 -m robotpy init
07:11:21:444 INFO : init : Created empty C:\Users\Admin\Documents\INIT_TEST\
07:11:21:447 INFO : init : Created C:\Users\Admin\Documents\INIT_TEST\pyproject.toml