I am having trouble running a vex servo using a FRC controller. I assumed that the servos would be able to use a PWM signal and move accordingly. I was wrong. A snippet of the code that I was attempting to use would be the following. Simply I am asking for a bit of code that would fix my problem.
pwm01 = p1_y;
if (p1_sw_trig == 1){ // Analog input from the Joystick
pwm01 = 255;}
pwm01 = 127;}
( I know that I have unnecessary { }'s )
Anyone have something that would be helpful, any bit of code or wisdom would be greatly appreciated
What is happening is nothing at all, what I would like to happen is the servo moving to a position and halt there. I have tested the servo, it works with VEX items it’s just the FRC that I won’t cooperate with the robot controler.
I think this is probably your problem, because your code looks fine. Servos are powered exclusively by the backup battery. If this battery is missing or discharged, then you won’t see the expected motion.