anyone else feel like us animators just sit around and “do homework”
…followed by three days when we actually know what we have to do, modelling at the speed of light?

either way, and i put no thought into this besides the snazzy acronym, should we try to cobble together an off season competetion? something like over at those cg forums, but geared toward learning more than shooting down anyone who doesn’t know what ambient occlousion is.

ps… no clue what the occlousion is…
Over at threedy forums there are speed modeling challenges (as well as others, low poly etc). Where you are given a time limit, restrictions and a subject. I partake in them when I have the time, my entries can be seen in the gallery I link in my signature. Perhaps we could do something like that here.
I like this idea
Still, more info please
I hope that by off seaseon you mean sometime after school gets out, during the school year I won’t have time to do it
Then again, after looking at my summer schedual, I’m not sure I’ll have much time then either…
While it is a great idea to host one of these, most of the animators on chiefdelphi crawl back from where they came, never to be seen again untill next year. The few that stick around will most likely do a off season competition.
morgan and i periodically do speed modeling challenges (although im still trying to get him to do speed animation challenges so i can whoop him sometime…)
Heh, yeah. In addition to Threedy speed modeling challenges, we will randomly hold chat challenges. Where we have different modelers from different teams in a chat, a challenge is selected and the time is set. You have 60 mins to model, texture, and render. Started over the summer by pete and I, we have done everything from gears to dragons, and even camera matching. Very fun and doesn’t take that much time.
As for threedy challenges, I have done shopping carts, Cars, Whoville items, flash drives, fans, good robots, bad robots, bathrooms, etc. All a lot of fun and really helped with working under a strict schedule.
Although I do not think we have a community of that size where we could run weekly challenges as they do.
I agree with Morgan, I am an avid Threedyer as well, I’m on all the time and although i haven’t done a speed model in quite some time, i have done my fair share. I first found the forum at SMC 37 where they are now at 142 i believe. along with the speed modeling challenges they also have speed animation challenges, speed painting challenges, they have low poly competitions usually held monthly, and recently they started up a stylized animal challenge. i think its a great place for learning. plus 3dtotal has some of the best tutorials i’ve found.
I don’t think theres too much need for a CD Challenge. I think we should all use threedy as they have been lacking speed modeling entries as of late.