Safety Animation from 2004

Since everyone should be creating their safety animations right now, I thought I would post one that I did from 2004 (the first year FIRST held the contest). It has never seen the light of day until now! :slight_smile:

I created all of the machines that you see in the video in Inventor. The video is now 40 seconds long instead of the original 30 seconds; this is so that you can actually have time to read each slide as it pops up!

Here is the link:

Enjoy! :smiley:

I like it. Good job on the comedy part of it too.

I’m trying to get my team to do a safety animation, I’m now the mentor of the team so the freshmen have to do it themselves. However They aren’t really focused, and with the recent changes of the Auto-desk Visualization Award I don’t think our animation team is going to survive this year. The students are not going to have any motivation for creating an entry.