I was bored so I created an emoticon with safety glasses.
Its a bit bigger than the other ones here, but maybe Brandon will decide to use it.
I was bored so I created an emoticon with safety glasses.
Its a bit bigger than the other ones here, but maybe Brandon will decide to use it.
This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen in ChiefDelphi.
2 thumbs up.
very nice.
Can you make one without safety glasses who is bleeding from the eye (wear your glasses, kids!), or is that a bit macabre for a family forum?
would that be like 8) or 8( ?
if i poked my eye out with a drill then the last thing id be doing is smiling
Safety glasses as forehead protectors?
Well, actually I was thinking of making something like this (a bit less… Gore, lol)… I guess since everyone likes it so much ill go ahead and make it…
This is sweet! If I had enough thumbs, I would give it 3 thumbs up!
poor guy didnt wear his safety glasses
I love the safety glass smiley
Those are huge safety glasses. Any smaller versions that poor smiley can obtain?
Everyone seemed to want an opposite of the “Safe” emoticon. So I tried to make one, what do you think about this?
Nice, says what it is without any gore, now if these are just available as basic smileys everywhere
I managed to get Brandon to add them to the forum! Yay!
::safety:: ::ouch::
Yay!::safety:: ::ouch:: ::safety:: ::ouch:: ::safety::
::safety:: ::safety:: ::ouch:: ::ouch::
We need to get James bored more often. During comp season he was so bored he created a program to easily configure the WPA keys for all teams.
::ouch:: Fantastic creativity & implementation! Most appropriate & helpful emoticons I’ve ever seen (with my well protected eyes). ::safety::
man that must have taken some serious boredom ::safety::