Saint’s Robotics (FRC Team 1899) is thrilled to join the Open Alliance for the 2024 season!
We’re a school based team (Interlake High School) from Bellevue, Washington! We are part of the Pacific Northwest District. We have 90-ish members mostly split between five subteams: Business, Imagery, Programming, Control Systems (wiring), and Mechanical. This is our second year as an OA team and we hope to contribute more this season!
Here’s a bit more about us:
Team History
We were founded in 2005, and have always connected with Interlake High School. For most of our team’s life, we worked at our school, but a few years ago we moved into our new workshop: Ivanhoe! We’re extremely thankful for the facilities we have, and our wonderful mentors which have helped us throughout.
Team Structure
Here’s a quick graphic (mildly outdated) detailing our subteams:
Most of the names are quite self-explanatory, but the Competition group is a little more complicated. The Competition group is not a group of subteams, rather a group of individuals responsible for enforcing or guiding the rest of the team on these respective topics.
As for leadership, we have 2 main divisions.
The administrators [admin] (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Engineering, Director of Communication, and Director of Competitions)
The leadership [leads] (Mechanical Lead, Control Systems Lead, Programming Lead, Business Lead, Imagery Lead, DEI Captain, Safety Captain, and Strategy Lead).
Directors are responsible for representing their leads:
Director of Engineering: Mechanical, Control Systems, Programming
Director of Communication: Business, Imagery
Director of Competition: Safety Captain, Strategy lead, Drive Team Manager
The Bellevue Alliance
We are part of the Bellevue Alliance along with other FRC teams the Bellevue area. The purpose of this alliance is to network between teams and share resources to create a safe and fun community that allows every robotics team in Bellevue to grow and strengthen. We have monthly BA meetings where representatives from all the teams meet to discuss FRC things.
During the off-season we meet Mondays and Fridays from 3:45-5:45 (a good time for us after school) with drive practices on Wednesdays (this year) from 5-7pm. Unfortunately we believe we will not be able to meet in the summers because of our school’s policy. In build season we plan to meet almost every day with varying times each day.
Linktree: saints_robotics | Twitter, Instagram, TikTok | Linktree
Youtube: SaintsRobotics 1899
GitHub: Saints Robotics · GitHub
Looking back, last year we were not very active in the OA, however this year we plan to fix that and be more active. We also hope our format this year will be more useful for other teams.