Will the Sally Door (as viewed from a bot in the the neutral zone) be swinging from the left (i.e. hinged on the left side), right, or might it change for each different event or location? Thank you.
Hinges on Left so opens Left when facing it from neutral (won’t change)
Thank you for the quick reply. I guess I should have clarified that I am looking for some official documentation that confirms that it does, in fact, open with the hinges always on the left. I have searched both here and Q & A and have found no “official” word supporting this and this is a critical feature of our plan. It would be sad to find out competition day that it swung from the side that we did not plan for.
All drawings and videos show the same. 99.999% sure its that way.
If the Sally Port would be installed so that the hinge is on the right, it would open into the courtyard rather than the neutral zone. That should constitute a field fault. It would also be defeatable with a drive system only.
Yes, that is true of a left-hinged door installed backwards, but my question involves the actual construction: is there anything that mandates that the door be constructed as a left-hinged door or might we encounter either sided hinge in the competition?
The way that the outer works base and defense pieces interact it isn’t physically possible to install them oriented incorrectly. The defenses are on casters that roll down ramps in the outer works base to seat them in place. The casters are in a trapezoidal pattern on the bottom of the defense. Because the spacing of the casters differs front to back it provides orientation in conjunction with the position of the ramps and slots for the casters in the outer works base.
Viewing the Sally Port from the direction that it opens into, the hinge must be on the left. This is mandated by the field drawings. It is also mandated by the Game Manual that the Sally Port must open into the Neutral Zone. So combining these two mandates, we get the fact that the hinge must be on the left if viewed from the Neutral Zone. If the above assumptions are correct (and I believe they are), then that is the official word you are looking for.
Page 71 shows assembly.
You mean other than the field construction documents posted on the website here? CRESCENDO - Season Materials | FIRST
I haven’t felt the need to check, but I’m sure if you peruse them you will find that it shows which side the hinge is on.
Thank you, We will go with that.
That is a great resource. Thank you for pointing it out.
Yes, I see what you mean. Thank you.
Thank you, We will go with that.[/quote]
Just to be clear though, the videos are not authoritative, only the manuals and Q&A are. Following what I said above abides by this and leads you to the same result.
Understood. We don’t have the resources to build our own test field, so hadn’t yet had occasion to look at the field manual. The field manual makes it appear unambiguous and straightforward. Very helpful. Thanks again.