Sample field images from (Axis) robot camera?

Can anyone offer us sample images of the vertical (and hot) targets from a robot camera, preferably with illumination? (Green LED ring would be best for comparison).

i have a repo of them :D.

Enjoy :wink:

Hey sorry for hi-jacking this thread, but how do you use these images?

I know we use these lines of code to get the image.

ColorImage image;
image = new RGBImage("/image.jpg");

But I have two questions.

  1. How do I get the image on the CRio? Do I put it in my Netbeans project?

  2. What is the directory I’m looking for? (line 2 of my code snippet)

You can transfer them to the cRIO via FTP. Open a command prompt and run: “ftp 10.XX.YY.2” (replace with your cRIO’s IP address). Blank username and password should give you read/write access.

The root directory should just be the root directory of your cRIO (i.e. image = new RGBImage("/image/file.jpg"); will look for file.jpg in the image/ folder in the root directory of the cRIO).


In our case, we are using them to train / confirm our computer vision code attempt (which in fact runs on the drive laptop).

There are also images installed with the vision examples for each programming language. See, as well as more images available here:

Keep in mind that these images are great for testing your code, but you will need to verify your threshold/filter parameters against images taken with your camera and lighting configuration. There are a lot of settings you can change on the camera, and generally you need to adjust your camera settings for good results.

In C++ (and Java) you can write an image taken from your camera to a file by calling the ImageBase::Write routine on your image, the same is probably true in labview.