Sample kickoff

OK with kickoff only 18days, 11 hours and 48 minutes away i figured this would be a good chance to get everyone back into the groove of kickoff,

I devised a simple game based upon the hints in this thread

The point is kinda to have everyone here on CD pretend to all be on the same team and see if we could come up with a robot to compete in this possible event So here goes:

In this game 2 teams of 3 robots will navigate the feild collecting baton shaped objects from the floor, loading stations similar to those which dispense toothpicks, and from human loading zones operated similar to the ones in the 2005 game. hanging 8 ft above the feild will be tracks where these batons may be placed in 3ft by 3ft squares. the object of this games is to surround squares with your teams batons to “own” them similar to the games of DOTS points will be awarded for each baton which is placed as well as an additional 5points for each “owned” square

Well there is the game, i hope we can get some designing done, since i came up with the game in this little scenario i will play the part of FIRST clarifying / changing rules but all technical requirements will be the same as 2005 for simplicity in the scenario, Good luck everyone i hope this helps everyone.

Note to mods if i put this in the wrong place please move it, sorry i was kinda unsure of where it would go