Have any other teams experimented with saving the footage from the IP camera? Either by capturing the footage on the Driver Station end, or on the robot end using some sort of computer (raspberry pi/pandaboard) + SSD combo?
If so, how did you do it and how well does it work? We’re hoping to make this a “poor man’s GoPro”
I’ve got to wonder whether it’s a good idea to do that, especially if you aren’t using it for something useful. Adding any unnecessary risk is, well, risky. But that’s assuming you’d want to do this in competition. Otherwise, just screen capture on the driver laptop from the live view on the dashboard. No need to over-complicate it.
We saved a few match videos by capturing the stream with VLC on our onboard computer. However, the quality was very poor, nothing close to what you’d get with a GoPro. Plus it lacks the cool wide-angle look.
TLDR: even a cheap, used, older GoPro will be far better if your intention is to use this as part of promotional videos, etc.
The default Dashboard saves the last 60 images (at one second intervals) received from the camera (and overwrites older ones).
You can see how that looks and modify it to preserve everything from Enabled to the end of Teleop.
The on board camera quality is NO match for any goPRO, I used a Hero 2 [about $150-200 now cause of the Hero 3 launch] on our bot at a few off seasons. Result here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjFEUsapXMo
The ZomB dashboard will save video from the camera. The LabVIEW dashboard saves an image once a second and saves the last 60 seconds. It’s easy to change those values and then stick the images together.