I figured since I would like to ask everyone attending the Championship event, this was the best place to ask it.
My fiance has just been sent overseas to serve in South Korea for the next year. He was an active member on our team (Team 102) and a volunteer at a few events over the past few months. I was hoping that I could get a lot of FIRSTers to stop by Team 102’s pit (in the Newton division) over the course of the weekend to sign a card for him. I know he would love to be here at the Championships, but his duty comes first. This is one way I would like to show him how we all care and thank him for what he is doing.
After the Championship, I will be collecting items to send over to the soldiers in South Korea. If you would like to donate anything, that would be great as well You know, from food and books to FIRST team buttons and photos lol.
If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. If you plan to stop by the pit, just ask for Ashley Hopefully I can get a lot of you amazing FIRSTers from all over to say thanks to a solider
This is a thoughtful gesture on your part, Ashley.
My father served in Korea many years ago. In a trunk at my mother’s house is a small child’s outfit that he brought home for me as a little toddler. It is beautiful and cherished.
I will be sure to stop by and sign your card and drop off a few items.
On behalf of myself and PiraTech 2023 we will be coming over to your pit with a signed photo, I’ll see if we can come up with some cool items (most likely team related).
Send all my best to Chris next time you speak with him, its a shame we never got to meet when I went to NJ and you came to FL.
Also, a note to anyone else who decides to stop by to sign the card and/or give something for the soliders… make sure the item is non-perishable and nothing too large. I will be bringing another bag (or two) from home to put the things in that I gather from my FIRST friends
418 has sent Christmas stockings to the troops in Iraq. Some things that I remember that they appreciated:
games like crossword puzzles
playing cards
paperback books
disposable razors
phone cards (those were a big hit)
batteries, like AA - but you would have to check on that, I think.
If I think of any more, I’ll add.
All the best with this,
yes, i totally agree with your list
team rush sent care packages to soldiers in iraq and we also included letters so they could write us back. in most of the letters they said that they enjoyed the mini-chips ahoy and oreos and those were often the wanted item. thats all i really remember from what the said in their letters that they really enjoyed besides fun games and crosswords
myself and team 343 will b over to sign the card.
and i know its not FIRST, but im also in Army JROTC i will see if they will also sign a card. i will see u in ATL.
Does anyone know if the Military Exchange Prepaid Calling Cards only work in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait or do they work elsewhere like South Korea? These seem to be the best calling cards to get for soldiers serving in OEF/OIF but it seems all the other men and women serving elsewhere are being forgotten about. Does anyone have a friend or relative that is a soldier serving other than OEF/OIF that can provide guidance on preferred phone cards in other areas or other special items of interest?
From what I understand, those cards can be used for any soldier that is deployed anywhere. My fiance, like i stated, is in South Korea and they need calling cards to call home, so to my knowin it is allowed.
Just another thing to add… make sure its nothing too heavy I’l be in Atlanta around noon on Thursday so any time after that would work. And I will be in the pits all three days (except when 102 is onthe field, i’ll be recording the match) but if i’m not around, please feel free to come back later or stick around. And a **HUGE thank you **in advanced to EVERYONE who is doing this And I know my fiance, Chris, and all the soldiers will be thankful
This might be the last message i post before I and yall head down to Atlanta… I just want to give another HUGE thank you. I just found out my friend’s boyfriend is being deployed next week so anything we can get for them is great And again, that’s pit 102 in the Newton division (ask for Ashley) Cant wait to see yall there!!!