Just a quick note to you all. If anyone has looked at the schedule for Championships you might notice that on Wednesday 3pm is load in with 5 team reps, 4:30pm is drivers meeting, not until 5pm is everyone allowed in and then 5:30 practice matches begin.
As a member who has been to Championships I know it takes a long time for 400 teams to load in. Also, not all teams are able to bring in all 4 drive team members in during load in so this causes a problem.
I also wonder how all teams and robots will be ready by 5:30pm for practice matches.
If anyone has an answer I’d greatly appreciate it!
With a 9 member team, with 5 in the pits, that leaves you 4 people not in the pits. You don’t need all the drive team at the meeting. The driver(s), and maybe the coach.
Even if the driver(s) are needed in the pits, the driver(s) can leave during the driver meeting, and you sub those people in the pits for the 20 minutes.
I was wondering about loading in 400 teams. Fortunately, the robots are already there.
5:30 is additional practice. On the original schedule, there were no practice rounds on Wednesday. Since the bots won at Regional, most bots are ready to play. Remember, you do not have to be inspected to play your practice round. You only have to be inspected if you want to sub for a team that skips a practice round.
I believe any number of people can get into the Dome. The FIRST Championship Conferences also start at 4:00. We have always loaded in at the front circle drive. I think the limitation is at the pit entrance. We have even taken turns carrying stuff in. 4 team members bring in a load, while others stay with the stuff on the curb. When those 4 come out, a new 4 go in with more stuff. If you need any help loading in, come find an Up Next team member in a pink shirt.
Sorry I was being a little tongue & cheek there. As you know, Championships is like drinking from a fire hose. Since they have changed things around this year, expect mass confusion to be the norm. :]
If you need more people to help you out, might want to start asking the other teams that are going, if they can lend some students to bring your stuff in. This is about teamwork too!