Scholarship Awards

HI everyone, i am an alumni from team 177, bobcat robotics, and my brother is currently a driver on the team. I have heard through the grapevine that some scholarship awards were announced this morning at the event, however, i have not yet heard from my brother, who is up for an award. If someone could let me know if they were announced and if anyone knows who got which scholarship, my mom and i would be really grateful… GOOD LUCK to everyone in Florida! Thanks so much for any info you might have!!!

I’m sure if you check first’s website that they’ll be able to give a listing of all the scholarships given out this year.

I’m sure you’ve heard by now, but Tom won the WPI scholarship.

Tom, congratulations and good luck.

can anyone direct me…to a site (from FIRST or TEAM) where ALL the scholorships name winners and team number.??? if anyone has this info please reply thanx a lot…

please respond here
[email protected]

can anyone direct me…to a site (from FIRST or TEAM) where ALL the scholorships name winners and team number.??? if anyone has this info please reply thanx a lot

please respond here
[email protected]

can anyone answer my ??? thanx a lot