School Closings

Today’s weather in Toronto, ON, Canada

feels like -30C :slight_smile:

If you get out of school just because of -5 degree and 14" of snow…you are lucky…if you live where I am from we just had a week of -50 degrees with wind chill and still going to school.

I’ve only had one snowday in the past 5 years…we don’t get them. As anti-politically correct as this may sound, the NYC school system exists to be daycare for the poor, not to educate youth. Any knowledge gained is a side effect. As such, schools must be open in all weather, so the kids can get breakfast and lunch. It’s a sad state of affairs, but it unfortunatley won;t change anytime soon.

Oh, and the weather right now outside my window: 18F degrees, 35 mph gusts.

Your probably right, I didn’t pay as much attention then as I do now to that type of stuff. But I thought there was a storm around that time, it might not of been as bad as 2003, but I could be wrong. We were also glad for the extra two day as well both years. Of well, it doesn’t really matter, unless its to educate others and me.

We have had 4 snow days so far during build season, including today.
We have also had 2 teacher PD days (so students were not at school) and
had to get back to school. There were 3 other days (the nights before snow days) where it was so bad they would not let us stay. We work in the school, so we can work when they say. So basically we have lost a full week. It really hurts. :frowning:

There can be more snow days after ship, but please no more this week.
We built in some days, but this is getting out of control.


I’m pretty sure most of the other South-Central Ontario teams can back me up when I say that the American school boards are pretty wussy when it comes to a little bit of the white stuff. Here in Durham Region there have been exactly ZERO snow days this year, and its nearly been our snowiest winter ever. They’re talking about shattering 70+ year old records, and the most they do is cancel the buses. There have been at least 3 different occasions where we received 20+cm (8"+) in a given night this year. Even when there are snow days, its just more time to work on the robot. But unlike some schools, by the sound of it, we’re in every weekend too.

My school sucks, we had 22 in of snow in North Ogden, Utah and they didn’t even cancel school! There have also been other times where we got a lot of snow, one day over 700(out of 1800) students didn’t even go to school when there was a foot.

My school is residential, and it makes everyone go home every 6 weeks for an extended weekend. Well one of these weekends happens to fall on Feb 14 through Feb 18 (the last 4 days!!!). Last year we moved all of our stuff to a teammate’s garage where several space heaters weren’t able to bring the temperature above 40 degrees. We finished the robot somehow though. This year we are moving to my basement, which is at least insulated so it should be much better.

Yeah, our two snow days during build season were quite horrible thanks to the fearless mentor’s plowing, although the second one was an early closing and we camped out in my fearless teammate’s basement to work on the drivetrain after emptying our room at school of all useful things :slight_smile: It’ll get done somehow!

This makes me appreciate California weather. Today we had eerily good weather, with sun, a few clouds and a light breeze. Global warming starting to take effect here by the coast… And I’ve never seen snow in my eleven years in California, but I have seen hail and ice on the roads (not good when you bike to school!). And bit of crunchy frost on the grass soaking through my shoes when it melts.

And we’ve talked about sleeping in the shop for so many years, but never actually done it. Maybe this’ll be the year?

Just watch, we’ll stay overnight at the shop and sometime in the early morning a freak blizzard will hit, burying the school in 5 feet of snow and preventing any entrance or exit. Thus we will be forced to do nothing but work on the robot for the entirety of the four-day-weekend… with dedicated parents dropping pizza slices in through the ventilation shafts in the roof.

The Technical Drawing teacher at my School (616) knew the code to the alarm, so snow days were a blessing for us. We’d go to the school about 10am and work all day.

The school building was really 3 buildings attached together though, (Middle School, Technical School, and High School) so once or twice we’ve walked a little to far up the hallway and set off either the high school or middle school alarm. Those days were fun.


Last year security got kind of tired of us being in at all hours so the school re-keyed an outside door for us. They kind of look the other way on snow days, except when the security guy stops by and asks how the robot is doing!:cool:
The best part of the snow days this year is that when they cancelled work for the first time ever, our engineering mentors showed up and we took a break to play snow kickball before going back to work. Yeah, we like snow days here too.

I am not too happy about having one on ship day.
We have another one today (#5 during build season).
Luckily our shipping and receiving guy was able to move it
last night and he is coming in to wait for FedEx.:slight_smile:

Back when I was in high school, we actually had the police come because we set off an alarm! Our teacher had a key and the alarm code for the school, so he could let us in on weekends and holidays, and one Saturday, we were working in our shop, and the assistant principal came in to use the weight room. When he left, he armed the alarm for the whole school, instead of just the gym area. So, of course, since we were still in the building, we immediately set off the motion detectors for the alarm. The police showed up a half hour later, with guns drawn :ahh: They were very surprised to see a bunch of students working in the auto shop, to say the least. They didn’t give us too much trouble for it, though I think the assistant principal got a phone call…

3 snow days during build season and the policy means no school with no exceptions … period. No one may come in for safety reasons. No sports teams, no robotics teams, students may not enter the school.

we had about 4 days

i hate the north eastern weather!!!


We don’t get much snow in central California which is really nice, climate around here only varies like 30 degrees over the 4 seasons.