:yikes: Hey everybody, our business team is trying to put on a science night to raise money any Ideas on activeties for Jh. high and elementery kids! (We Are A rookie Team)
Letting them drive your previous years robots around is always a great idea.
Note their team number… that isn’t going to be very possible.
You guys might want to try asking 1595 from Spokane, WA to bring by one of their robots for demoing. Its only a 2 hour drive for them, and they’re basically the nearest team for you.
Sorry, I apologize for speaking before looking at your team number but maybe Adam has a point. Try asking a nearby team, they might help out.
Also if you guys have a VEX team try having people drive that robot around.
Legos are always fun, and besides just letting the kids play with them, you could have a future FLL team underway.
Also, things like catapults and mousetrap cars are fun, easy to make, and inexpensive. There are tons of activities and races that you can come up with using those.
If the funds are available, you may want to also consider having activities where the kids can construct something small to take home so they will have a memory of your team and the event.
I’mnot sure where in ID you are located, but if any of the amateur radio clubs that are listed at http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/club/clubsearch.phtml?state=ID&selstate=Show+clubs+in+selected+state
are anywhere near you, contact them and see if they would do a demostration.
Maybe there is a community college with a science department that may be interested?
Best of luck and let us know what you do. This is a very creative and educational idea for a fund raiser!
start asking around for previous animations/presentations. little kids can easily get pulled in by a cool presentation. why do you thik they are the most targeted group for advertisments?
Mindstorms is always awesome, any vex bots (if you`ve got em), but really kids love gears. Have you ever played with those gear sets made of plastic that you can customize? kids love those things. so do I.
Team 1902 does a hands on science demo for third graders every month. The first month we took our bots, Big bot, vex bot and lego bots. We showed them some of the PR videos from last year. Explained all about the competitions and did some driving demos. We didnt let them drive as those were the only bots we had.
The next month was the physics party tricks. How to pull a tablecloth out from underneath dishes without moving them using inertia. Bubble in the bag showing lung capacity, other things like that. I will see if I can find the instructions for them all.
This month is the science of winter…lots of stuff with ice crystals stuff like that.
Mentos and coke is always fun as is exploding film canisters using chemical reactions. (just put a tissue full of baking soda in a film canister, drop in some vinager and close the top and flip it.)
Check out girl scout and boy scout badge books for some other ideas.
Good luck…its really fun. The kids really get into it and they all want to be on the robot team when they get older.
:rolleyes: Great, Thanx for all the help every one that should really get it started and Good luck with your Bots.