Score Calculator

I have begun to create a score calculator. It can be found at:

Currently it only considers the rack score (not bonus scores at the end), and does not handle the “wrap around” case (i.e. same color on 1 and 8). Future updates will be coming soon to handle those cases.

To change the color of a space, just click on that space.

Feedback, suggestions & enhancements are welcome, but remember this is only an alpha quality release.


It seems not to work in Safari 2.0.4, oh well.

Nor in IE7

Internet Explorer 6 won’t let me use it either.

In your defense, it works in Firefox 1.5. Nice work… I look forward to seeing it finished.

yeah works for me too firefox 1.5… yeah i was wondering when someone would do this looks nice

It works for me, but i’m curious as to why a row is filled 1 through 8 that it completely ignores the score for the row of eight. Technically it is and isn’t a wrap around, because it can count all eight from left and right, without jumping over. If all the squares are filled with the same color, the score is 64, for the 8 vertical rows and ignores all horizontal

Firefox 2.0 works

good job mozilla

THIS is why EVERYONE should use Firefox! So we can use this! I’m serious.

Is there still a problem with wraparound cases, i get an error when i try to get all 8 in a row and the store gets all messed up.

Nothing in Opera.

gotta love FF works for me :slight_smile:

good job can’t wait till it does the wrap arounds.


This demonstrates two important points:

  1. Don’t trust code posted on the internet, until you’ve tested it.
  2. Don’t trust code you’ve written until you’ve tested it.

Anyway, it should now work for Opera. I’m not sure why IE and Safari aren’t working, but I’ll try to get it fixed.

Also, I’ve fixed the wrap-around case so scoring should be complete and correct now.

As before, comments are welcome.