Scoring notes into speaker with an over the bumper intake

We had an interesting idea about using an over bumper intake as both an intake and shooter to score into the speaker. However we decided to prioritize other designs to prototype. Has anyone tried testing out if this is possible. Because if it is, it greatly simplifies our robot design.

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This sounds like what you’re looking for.


Ri3D team Unqualified Quokkas did an intake-shooter hybrid design with one manipulator:


We have also just released our CAD for the intake/shooter mecahanism located on this post in our thread here:


here’s another good ri3d to look at that uses a similar design:


We just looked at the Penn State one tonight, would second that recommendation.

It was a good design idea and looked like it operated cleanly

it would be good to note that there’s no attempts on the speaker, however it seems fully capable of doing so

Penn State’s as-is might not have enough roller contact with notes to consistently feed through the flywheels

They only have the couple wheels on the sides instead of Quokka’s full bar

the idea is def there tho, its just a couple adjustments